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Most Popular Traded in Vehicle Years

If you're only targeting vehicles four or five years old and newer for a buyback offer, how many opportunities are you missing out on? Here are insights into the used car inventory on Dealer Lots:

  1. Expanding your criteria to seven to ten-year-old vehicles can dramatically increase your universe for potential buybacks.

  2. This graph combines the last 3 years of traded-in vehicles: 2019 - 2021

  3. These numbers show the used vehicles that were first posted for sale on dealers' lots across the country. This includes both franchises and independents.

  4. Typically, these are the vehicles that someone has traded in when purchasing another vehicle.

  5. The graph shows that the 2 most recent model years (2020 & 2021) have relatively low trade-ins Source: Xcelerated Data® I Sold It™ file (compiled daily)

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